Mac Vs Microsoft For Business

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  1. Mac Vs Microsoft For Small Business

Choosing computers for an entire team can be a daunting task, especially when everyone has strong personal opinions. How to auto update microsoft office for mac. To clarify things, we've taken a no-nonsense approach to explaining the options available to business buyers.

File save as window doesn't appear in word for mac. When I click Save As it shows a complete list of everything, looks similar to Finder. So I can decide the Folder in Documents where I want to save the Word document. Please let me know how to fix Office 2016 so that it also shows all the folders in Documents when I select Save As.

Best mac for business use

Microsoft Office 2016 for the Mac is the kind of upgrade I hope for but rarely get. It took five years from Office 2011's release to get this latest Mac office suite, but it was well worth the wait.

Mac Vs Microsoft For Small Business

While we have positioned these facts in the context of an 'either/or' shopping decision, many business owners choose to purchase a blend of Macs and PCs and distribute them based on department (typically with creatives receiving Macs and other staff sticking with PCs). Additionally, some business owners allow their staff to choose which type of machine they want. This is a good option for companies that want to emphasize employee autonomy, but it can be a costly choice. If you're on the hunt for business laptops and desktops but still in the 'Mac or PC?' Stage of decision-making, this guide is for you. Handling Mac and PC employee preferences The most obvious difference between Macs and PCs is the operating system. The interfaces are visually very different, menus aren't set up the same way, and many keyboard shortcuts vary between the two types. Most die-hard Mac or PC fans are primarily attached to the brand they like because of the general interface, but the exterior design can be a major selling point (or detractor) as well.

While PCs vary drastically in design from machine to machine, Macs have a more consistent look and feel that appeals to people who prefer a high-end experience. If your employees want Macs because of the look and feel, you may be able to win them over with a high-end PC, like an HP EliteBook or Microsoft Surface Pro. On the other hand, if your employees prefer a Mac or PC due to efficiency or ease of use, you may have a harder time convincing them to switch. Workers who use extensive keyboard shortcuts or specialized design, visualization, or analytics software may be particularly sensitive to laptop type, and while it is possible to switch from being a user and, there is something to be said for keeping productive employees happy. Pros of Macs Low maintenance: If your small business doesn't have the budget for tech support and you're uncomfortable with basic maintenance, a Mac may be a good option. Apple laptops and desktops are famously low-maintenance and not often a target for hackers. High status: While it may be tough to admit to oneself, status and perception by others is a reason many people prefer Apple computers. If a large part of your business involves impressing clients or investors, it might be worthwhile to spring for the company's 'designer' laptops. Industry standard for design: If you employ a lot of designers or creative professionals, Macs are a good option to satisfy your staff. Digital graphic design really got its start on Macs, and the system still has a pretty tight grip on the artistic community. Even Photoshop was born on Macs.

Because of this, many designers first learned how to design on Macs and remain fiercely loyal to them. Luxurious design: Compared to some other laptops (even many high-end PCs), Apple computers feel and operate like luxury machines.

This entry was posted on 05.12.2018.